This will be
FORGOTTEN because I will forget to write all the things I have in mind so probably not that many articles :)
AND the first thing to do is to change the banner :)
I will still have it posted here, coz I will miss it a lot.
Let me tell you more about the pics used for the banner. It's not that every one of them has the VERY special meaning but still they show some of my interests and inspirations.
The fist one - the maiko. I didn't see any when I was in Kyoto but I still dream I will have the chance to see a maiko for real. May be even be accompanied by one? Everyone say it's really expensive to have a dinner with a maiko. Long long ago there were only the men who were supposed to enjoy their company. I wonder if nowadays I can enjoy their artistic skills too.
The second pic - oooh, the bamboo....Nature. The balance Japanese try to find with the inanimate object is stunning! Every tree and stone and even insect has it's natural and punchy spot on the planet. The bamboo represent all the beautiful gardens and parks I have been. And yet not the concrete jungle in some Tokyo neighborhoods.
The third one - is again maiko or you can see it as the very popular Japanese umbrellas. Or even may be the red circle from the Japanese flag. And the red spot shows the sun...and this is the land of the ricing sun, right?
The last two are actually special..... NANA is a manga that I really adore though I haven't read it for ages. It's probably my very first manga and the first one that kept me awake all night reading chapter after chapter. Even tried Hachiko's hairstyle ^^
ABout the last picture I won't say much because it's obvious it's a Japanese idol and this man especially is getting more and more popular every year. Oguri Shun. I think I wrote more about my passion about him in some other article so just read it!
This banner really represents a lot of my interest in Japanese culture - nature, old traditions, pop-culture and celebrities.
And as I need a change I have a very good song telling all about it.
Please enjoy!