Wednesday, January 28, 2009

日本に行きますよ。I'm going to JAPAN!!!

Yes, guys, I'm going to Japan! I created this blog just to tell you news when I got there, coz I have so many friends with whom I want to share the joy! I'll write it in English because of the non-Bulgarian speaking friends, though I might write in Bulgarian too. :)
SO -
please excuse my poor English sometimes.
I do my best and I will write it the way I can. So no mater you laugh or not it doesn't matter, at least I'll now I made you laugh :P

I'm going to work in HITACHI Automotive Group during 16.03.2009-31.08.2009. 24 weeks. That's the best I could get and it is enough for me :) I'll be living in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki-ken. It is approximately 110 km north from Tokyo. It is rural as they told me on the cost. And that means that there is a lot of fish! Watch out Osushiya (Sushi shops), here I come!!! And they told me that there are beaches and in the summer you can surf!!!! May be there I'll got a surf teacher (^^) and I'll try this for sure.

What else I know so far? I'll be living in a dorm near the company.... and it is a women dorm, "so it's safe". :( Whoever knows me know what does it means.... But I still have some things in mind to make some friend there quickly. We will see if they are going to work.

I'm looking forward this trip! I'm leaving on 12-13 March and I don't know when I'm gonna come back. May be at the end of September, may be later..... Who knows?

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